By Randolph
File this in the "sorry you're late, but glad you're finally here" category. Gartner, after blindly gushing about Second Life only a few months ago, now says:
Companies that are sensitive to brand issues, as well as social and
ethical positioning, must exercise particular caution in uncontrolled
virtual worlds, such as Linden Lab’s Second Life
Continue reading "Gartner Warns Corporations Away from Second Life" »
You've developed your idea into a working prototype. Your co-founders and you are experienced and confident. Your angel investor has helped to open some doors giving you a couple of impressive early customer partners. You can't help but thinking ahead to actually starting to earn a salary and hire employees.
Now you've secured audience to present to a venture capital fund. All your dreams are now riding on you and your team's ability to get funding. You know that venture capital funding is preferable to the alternatives. In fact, you believe that funding from the right venture capitalist greatly enhances your prospects of success.
So you go open your pitch presentation in PowerPoint.
Continue reading "Presenting Your Pitch" »
A number of emails have inquired about the specifics of Linden Research ("Linden Lab", "LL"). I've compiled this fact sheet, for those interested. This information is reasonably accurate, but some of it is a tad bit dated. I'm not sure how much more I'll write on the subject, given that it seems the honeymoon is quickly drawing to a close on Second Life.
Continue reading "Linden Lab Fact Sheet" »
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